Soft-launching DuoNB Community πŸš€

DuoNB launch party

DuoNB Alliance / η‰©θ”ζŠ€ζœ―εΌ€ζ”Ύθ”η›Ÿ is being bootstrapped by a small but dedicated group of professionals from a diverse practices. We have entreprenures, veteran product & product managers, senior software architects, networking engineering, VCs … who’s been working on smart home appliances and systems, connected products, large scale software project, and telco-grade networking technologies.

What are binding us as a community are the DuoNB Principles. under which connected appliances or products should be built. So that we, as human beings, can build safter, fairer, and better connected products in and around where we live and work.

To begin with our first blog post, it’s fair to highlight a few Q&A from our ecosystem partners and friends,

What are the economic, social and user value implications of implementing DuoNB framework?

Web3 is around the corner, although we are facing challenges. DuoNB framework for making connected products is part of this big trend of our time. Firstly, DuoNB is about to cast her impacts on Layer Zero, namely, the networking layer, of the emerging Web3 Internet. Secondly, any individual makers or startups/companies who’re aspired to reap the benefits as early pioneers of Web3 shall join efforts to make new products and services a reality. To illustrate how DuoNB framework drives product innovation, let’s look at a simple example,, a hot-desk SaaS provider, is facing serious challenges while they’ve been trying to build their China integration and localized servces for China users and customers, specifically,

  1. China’s new data security law prohibits cross-boarder transfer of privacy-related and sensitive user (behavior) data

  2. China has her own unique mobile app ecosystem, namely the MiniApp as a newer and better generation of mobile app, as compared with iOS or Android’s apps still widely used outside China

  3. Companies like Deskme are facing the challenge of localizing their data and business operations if they are about to scale globally.

One solution to the above challenges, which are recurring again and again among many apps providers wishing to scale their business across borders, is to follow design principles put forward by DuoNB framework. Same is true for other countries who are following suite to implement their data security laws but dependant on China’s supply chain for software and hardwares. As a product design framework, DuoNB helps product makers and end users as well to realize the following benefits,

  1. Build more secure and privacy-aware connected products, that are data-law compliant to a jurisdiction from day-one;
  2. Distributors and re-sellers have more leverage and say on what and how to build a product, since most parts of connected products are released as open source parts, and localized manufacturing is already here with us if we can leverage Internet-of-Production platform such as
  3. More power is re-distributed to reseller and local builders’ side, so that they can take up more end-user responsibilities and thus earn more money from their localized services.

Wikifactory as one of the first implementations of IoP and circular economy, are revolutionizing how we design and build products, how we collaborate across borders, and how we re-distribute elements of manufacturing production. Open source hardware and designs, increasingly, become a good entry point for less developed countries and companies who’re seeking royalty free or low-licensing fee intellectural properties to build their products on. Over time, as more manufacturers are adopting IoP, they are acclerating their products’ time-to-market and along the way, improve any designs from the upstream designers or companies.

This phenomenon will continue to roll out very much the same as how has been revolutionizing how the world is building software products!

What China supply chains of silicons (electronics) can help you drive such new opportunities?

China has developed into a leading manufacturing country over the past few decades and the trend will continue non-stop, regardless current geo-political conflicts between other advanced tech nations. China supply chain on sillicons (the electronics) are re-inventing themselves and re-defining how we build connected products. DuoNB communities at large are a series of chip-makers, silicon makers and software innovators who firmly believe in a future of open collaboration in IoP - Internet of Production. We also advocate fair use of intellectual properties via new capabilities by implementing blockchain tech, so that we can also realize ‘Trustless Trust’ along the supply chain of electronics/ silicons. DuoNB is hosting a complete supply chain of silicons that are ready to support any connected product makers in the world, including those from the US and UK, to create a fairer marketplace for advanced tech makers and brands.

Things we can do together,

  1. Any smart home/office networking equipment makers around the world can work with DuoNB community members to secure their supply of both silicon and software for networking equipment. We can formulate ideas on new types of telco products together, for carriers or smart home/office alike.
  2. Any smart home products makers or distributors around the world can work with DuoNB community to source innovative products and designs, so that they can work out localized manufacturing and white-label deals, to serve their local markets and customers.
  3. Any manufacturing service providers can join DuoNB calls to learn how to leverage the new IoP service model, MaaS - Manufacturing as a Service, to help localize manufacturing industries in their home countries. This is particularly important for African or SEA countries where government officials and entreprenures alike are seeking NEW ways to build their own manufacturing industries.

In summary, IoP trend and the many new tech pioneered and promoted in DuoNB communities can help African and SEA countries to build their own manufacturing capacities at scale, substainable, and forever open for improvement and innovation.

Last modified October 18, 2024: updated post (9b6a186)